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How to Sell a Business


Up to 90% of the business owner's net worth is tied up in the business


For lack of planning approximately 75% of businesses never sell


There are 66 potential obstacles to the successful sale of a business.

Read our valuable free white paper:

White Paper - Why It's Important to Plan the Sale of Your Business

Why It's Important to Plan the Sale of Your Business

If an owner recognizes the need to plan for their business sale and executes a plan to identify and address the obstacles to a sale, the 3:1 odds against a successful business sale can be reversed to 3:1 in favor of a successful business sale.

Preview our free special report:

Special Report - Insider Secrets to Selling Your Business

Insider Secrets to Selling Your Business

Packed with insider secrets to help you begin the process of thinking about your exit strategy. Whether you intend to sell in two years or ten years, this is a MUST READ!

Subscribe to How to Sell a Business

The Problem and Reasons

Less than 25% of small businesses are successfully sold.

Learn more in this newsletter: Issue #2 – 

Amazingly Poor Business Sale Statistics

The primary reason owners are unable to sell a business is their unawareness of the need to plan for the sale of their business.

Most small business owners get stuck in a rut, doing the same things day after day, and never step back from their business to see the big picture.

Gain insight from our white paper: Why It's Important to Plan the Sale of Your Business.

Our Belief and Analysis

If business owners realized the need to plan for the sale of their business, most small businesses could be sold.

Owners need to "Overcome the Power of Inertia" and occasionally "work on their business" rather than "work in their business."

Learn more by reading Issue #40 – Preparing to Sell Your Business – Summary – A 50 Point Action Plan

We have identified 66 obstacles that small business owners might need to overcome to successfully sell a business.

This is a must-read newsletter: Issue #23 – 

Top 66 Obstacles To A Successful Business Sale

Our Solution and Method

We actively educate on the need to "Overcome the Power of Inertia," better enabling business owners to plan their business exit, improve their business value and conquer the obstacles they face in selling a business.

Learn How to Value a Business and How to Sell a Business.

Our sponsors enable us to provide comprehensive educational content at no charge to small business owners.

Equally important, we help to enable the selection of knowledgeable and affordable advisors, including business brokers, M&A intermediaries and business valuation firms to aid in the business exit planning process, and ultimately the business sale process.